Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. /CFP Two top U.S. health officials on Sunday disputed a claim by ...
01:13 Europes largest plastic producer has taken a big step towards cutting down its plastic use after passing a ban on all plastic bags from 2022. Ger...
President-elect Joe Biden said it was the right moment in U.S. history for his defense secretary nominee, retired Army General Lloyd Austin. The choice...
Joe Biden and his wife. /Getty Images President-elect Joe Biden will nominate experienced Pentagon hand Kathleen Hicks to be the departments No. 2 offi...
A friend listened to her first podcast last month - an investigative journalism narrative - and binged the whole series over a long Friday evening. Now...
WASHINGTON, DC, December 29 (ANI/Sputnik): Republican lawmakers have filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence to ensure he will determine whic...
Clinical trials of CoronaVac, coronavirus vaccine developed by Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech, have reached the efficacy threshold d...
A police officer directing traffic in Dover, UK after France temporarily closed its border with the country on Sunday. /AP/Kirsty Wigglesworth/ The bor...
The European Union and the United Kingdom were on the cusp of striking a narrow trade deal on Thursday, with negotiators thrashing out the final detail...
Weve all, at some point, bought an eco-labelled product. The eco-labels we come to trust are often ones backed by credible audits that involve in-perso...